Are you looking for a speedo gear but prices are high?/Gear calculating info

hmmmm.....not sure about that chart, I ran through a few different gear calculators and went through the factory part numbers and the superseded part numbers and all and it all shows a 43 tooth gear is what was called for.

here is yearones chart (look at 27.9 tire x 4.5 gear range=43 gear)

and another

and even says its the correct gear.

and in my yearone mopar parts catalog they have a speedometer gear chart and it says the same. this is all up to date info

here is a mathematical break down of it

first off , 275/25.4 =roughly 10.82
10.82x60%= 6.5
13+15=28" tire diameter
this tire would have 720 revs per mile

the formula for the speedo gear being 13(drive teeth)x4.56(rear gear ratio)x720(tire revs per mile)/1000= 42.6816 (43 tooth speedo gear)

here is an example of how to come to this conclusion that I worked up

727 Push Button = 8 Drive Teeth
727 Non Push Button = 13 Drive Teeth
904 Non Push Button = 13 Drive Teeth
Drive Teeth x Rear End Gear Ratio x Tire Revolutions Per Mile/
1001 = Gear Teeth
Tire Revolutions Per Mile quick guide

24” = 840.3 Tire Revs Per Mile
25” = 806.7 Tire Revs Per Mile
26” = 775.7 Tire Revs Per Mile
27” = 746.9 Tire Revs Per Mile
28” = 720.3 Tire Revs Per Mile
29” = 695.4 Tire Revs Per Mile
30” = 672.3 Tire Revs Per Mile