New A-body owner in San Diego

Welcome. Nice Valiant that you have there. What are your plans for it? Don't take this the wrong way, but you must live in a pretty bad neighborhood if you have to put a club a project car. O:)

Haha. You might be right. But I am not far from the border - anything is fair game around here! In 15 minutes a car can leave US jurisdiction :)

On top of everything else, the door locks don't exactly work!

Thanks for the welcome(s). As far as plans go, right now I'm trying to be realistic. We're not talking show car here. It's running, but I'd like to get it running "well" so that I can use it as a cruiser around town. Slowly work on it here-and-there when I have time. A full tear-down is probably not in the cards at this time. At least not until I have a garage large enough to fit it!