Zombie Dart! '72 Dodge Dart

Been a while since I updated this or even been on FABO. I just wanted to share some pics of the gas tank up in place and it sittin on top of the hill at my friend's and us moving it due to his family facing foreclosure soon. There is a draw in the electric system right now that is blocking me from going any farther in that department and the wires have suffered pretty bad over the years and have become dry and brittle. I heard Year One sells a repop that is pretty good, anyone know what it will cost and how to get one? They seem to have just parts and pieces of it. Also, should I get the tachometer part or the electronic ignition part or should I just wire them in myself? They don't look too complex, I just dont trust myself to wire the whole car from end to end.

I am hoping to be updating this more often as I will be able to work on my Dart more freely now:mrgreen:

I am very happy to have my Dart, I am not overwhelmed really by it, but I know if I do everything on her that I need to do, I can do anything. I'm not giving up on it. Ever.:) I look forward to everything I need to do to it and there is no rush. I'm only 20. But that don't mean I don't wanna get it on the road soon, I am excited to get it on the road, but understand it will take a bit of hard work and elbow grease and some greenbacks to do so. :colors:

I missed it here. But you can't stay away forever, FABO is the crack of the interwebs.