A friend asked me to buy this for him when I get home. Pretty cool, not Mopar though

fords of that style mopar or not are cool in my book. everything checks out strength wise but the gearing if i even thought about paying 3k for 49 inch tires id get some gearing above 5.00 and offroad? the 390 stock isnt enough to pull those tires thru hardly anything. a ford with a 390 on 38s with 4.56 will go thru more stuff than that truck. also your mpgs will suffer severly cause of the low gearing, now 49s dont get much better than 9 mpgs but with 4.10s youd be saying gallons per mile, get some gears and you could get 9 or 10 mpg which is great for something that size. just my .02

All good points, thank you, I will pass these on to him. Any more input? It's appreciated, as $10K is a bit of a chunk to throw at something.