Spring Fling XXV April 16&17, 2011 25th Anniversary. FABO meetup, info, reg, ?'s

Any raffles this year or live music?

We have found with this large event when we did PA annoucement and and loud multi speakered music it was just too loud and annoying for the people under the speaker and too muffled and soft for the people away from the speakers. We'd like to focus on getting good goodie bags prizes for every participant. That seems hard enough.

Then we have 100's of people asking to make an annoucement that "Joe" is at the front tent to meet someone. Only to find out later that someone never even came to the show. But yet, 3 other people came over to find the wrong "Joe". :evil4:

There will be raffles at the Spring Fling Cruise-In on Saturday night at California Car Cover.