On the cheap freindly comp?

The first rule is.......

"This is a fun get together event"

If this were a shooting event, this would be called a "Fun Shoot"

Theres the idea and spirt of it all.

2) Big blocks run against big blocks
Small blocks run against small blocks
Sixes run against sixes
Any two drivers can choose to run against each other
(See Rule #1)

LOL, everybody runs against everybody. Again, fastest not being the key item, but as fast as possible while being the cheapest SOB out there is! LOL!

3) Engine is to be comprised of parts available from the factory, up to the last year the engine was available in a factory car or truck.
Crossover is allowed, ie.. a 340 cam in a 273.

This can get sticky since W2's were available for S/B's. OE equipment would be better. Though I also like the idea of useing a W2 on a low compresion mill as one of the very few mods possible.
Also, what ever mod you cn do or intake you can purchase, use. Lets not limit the part used, but limit the expense of it. I'm not putting a cap on price or amount of money spent. But that is the theme.

In example, you have a '69 - 318, and you wanna use a '79 - 360 intake and heads, do it. Or a Single plane M1 or Holley strip Dominator, do it.
Screw limitations. Just think "I'm a broke bastard" or a "I'm a cheap SOB" and your on it good!

4) What ever modifications the owner does with his own to hands is allowed, (This is the cornerstone of budget project)

I agree. Though, it should be repeatable with ease by newbies. This is where I suggest "No Porting" though even a newbie can do some clean up by themselfs.

5) The owner will have a log listing what he has done, what mods, what parts, how much, ect.
Yes! Absoultely, so others can copy it themselfs! The main idea of it all.

6) The trophy is awarded to the participant that managed the most bang for the buck, this will be decided by all present.
(if it comes down to two participants a coin toss will break the tie)
I'm not sure if a trophy is a wise thing. A prize allways brings out the worsed in people as well as the best in competeing for it. Enter, the catch 22.

7) Tricked out cars that cost plenty to build are welcome, come on out, make some runs, shake some hands, make some friends, eat some food, have fun.
(and help judge the best budget build)


This is from memory so.........


Seat belt
Drive line loop
Coolant recovery vessel
Working brakes

NHRA Saftey rules! No one should get hurt!

PS: I only jumped in because this sounds like a lot of fun, and the more people that participate the better.

Yes yes yes yes, (Jumps up and down pinting a finger at Machineman!) That's it thats it! :toothy8: