On the cheap freindly comp?

Once again ya missed the point. It's not about who is fastest. But a most improved from a base line is a target to achieve. Drive to your local track and compete via cyberspace.
How fast can ya make it go? Show me how little the amount it in getting to boggie!

If you had read this and understood that I have been saying that this is not a race of who is fastest but a compition of who can go the fastest and do it cheapest, you would not be writing that.

The idea is to run as quick as possible with as little money invested. And then showing others how to run as quick as possible for as little money as possible.

Getting togther is the fun. Running what ya brung and strikin up the grill and B.S.ing with others is the other half.

IF you want to run for anything else besides getting a "Atta-boy" from the crew, then please do so enter in the races made available at the track for that day.

While many complain that they can not afford aluminum heads due to cost and other items like roller rockers, stroker kits etc.... They still want to go fast. Is it possible? I think so. Granted, while a set of fully ported aluminum heads, roller rockers, etc.... would be great, is this really on the cheap? Maybe for you it is. For others it is not.

So, if running as quick as possible for as little as possible to showothers how it's done isn't for you, then by all means, bow out of the convo. & comp. and the rest of us will continue on from here and try to help our MoPar brothers in going fast for cheap.
(Unlike some MoPar rags that think a budget motor is a stroker with roller rockered Indy heads etc........)

One last note! If you don't want to rebuild your old mill, then don't. But then you wouldn't really build up a old mill if it wasn't up to snuff now would ya? Lets say that the old engineis decent. Reasnable cyl. pressure in all the holes. Then I say, why not. You just have to work around a low compresion mill. Can you do that? I'm gonna try with a '78 - 400 with pistons so far down the hole, it echo's!
Ok, I get the point now; insults ignored.