What do you do to get the Mopar ready for spring?

moparfreak77 said
would you recommend changing your oil even if it was changed before winter? thanks for the ideas.

If your oil is under the oil change interval that you use it is needless to change your oil. There is no difference in letting the oil sit in your sealed motor than it is in a sealed container. If you change it because of storage it would be best to change the oil before storage because the new oil won't have the fuel and contaminates in it like the old oil will. If you do it this way don't warm up your motor then change the oil and put it in storage. The colder oil against the warm engine can create condensation in your motor.

On my race car I just crank the motor until my oil gauge starts to move then start pumping the throttle to get it to light, that's it. It obviously wouldn't hurt to prime the oil system with a drill but being I have a tunnel ram and not going to pull the distributor and I don't have an oil accumulator I just crank it until I get pressure. My street cars I actually drive once a month, there is usually one day in each month in the winter I can take the car for a short drive.
