Once and Future A-Body Owner

Okay, after MONTHS of just saying "Hi" in the halls of the school where we are both students now, this former professor of mine brought his Barracuda up again. Apparently, as soon as things warm up a bit, he is going to give me the car. Yes, you read that right. GIVE. :toothy8::toothy8::toothy8:
That being said, I have a question. What kind of rust issues were commonplace on these cars? The only A body I have ever been up close with was a 72 Duster, and I was only 10 at that time, so it was 25 years ago. Assuming there are rust issues, how available are replacement parts for a 65 Barracuda? I'm delving into an area that I have never really considered (restoration of a 46 year old car) so I'm really not sure what to expect. Any insight would be much appreciated. Thanks!