First run at the track, time a guess?

If I go to the track with my Duster, new combo, and have no idea what it will run and don't have a roll cage, is there a calculation the tech's do to say I will need it based on my combo, or do I run and come in under the time required for a roll cage and they kick me out????? Only been the track once with my 318 and ran a 15.1... I now have a 422 and i will do much better than that, hoping for low 11's

Go out & make a couple (or a few) 1/8 mile passes, as long as the timers are set for 1/4 mile, this way if they don't catch it in the tower your good, you can then calculate the 1/4 off your 1/8 & get an idea of what it will run, then on your last pass run it out through the 1/4 :glasses8:

Normally you can get away with 7.5s in the 1/8 without a roll bar, some will let you get away with 7.3s, You can't go faster then 11.50 1/4 without a roll bar, but like i said, if you let off passed the 1/8 your 1/4 mile will of coarse be low, maybe they won't catch it.