Where's Dodge in Nascar???

even bristol had lots of empty seats and they always sold out. i only watch it because its still too cold to go outside and work on the car. heres what i think is killing the sport:1.too much money involved
2.the core fans dont want to see rich boys, we want to see people who came from the grass roots with no money and lots of grit.
3. i for myself dont want to see foriegn manufacturers in the sport.
4. points system needs to go back to pre 2001 days.
5. too many dumb rules leaving no room for teams to engineer any type of advantage.
6. the cars dont look like anything in the showroom.
7. the sponsors pick the drivers based on looks and not racing credentials.
8. they worry too much about trying to keep up with other sports like the nfl, therefore making too many dumb things like a gopher or trying to make drivers look like rock stars when the cameras should be on the race.
9.throwing caution flags whenever the field gets too spread out which kind of defeats the purpose of a race.
this is just my opinion and the reason i have lost so much interest in a sport that once consumed me.maybe dodge feels the same way like its a losing battle to excel in the sport.