I need some perspective... (long story)

So my wife is concerned she may be loosing her job at the end of the year. She is a teacher and has been with this district for 10 years. Anyhow, I don't want to come off like a heartless asshole and based off of my past experience I don't feel the need to be loyal to your employer if they can't reciprocate. I say this as I was laid off 3 years ago, so I just went into buisness to compete with them. Granted, I'm not a teacher and I also think I'm obviously biased towards her. She is not involved with the union. I plan on telling her everything will be okay, because it will be, I have faith. Things will be fine, a little stressful, but fine.

I want to tell her IF this happens, we will file for unemployment and just go from there. I guess I'm not totally sure what my point is, I'm just typing. But the school conducts buisness the way it feels it needs to, and I will do likewise for my family. I guess I feel like 'okay, you are unemployed, that does not mean you are not employable. It was better for me in the long run. But, that was me in my situation. My former employer is a better company without me, and I am a better person without that company.'

Sorry this is long. Am I way off base? How should I approach my wife? Anything to offer? I mean nothing has happened yet, I would just like to support you know? Thanks F.A.B.O. I appreciate it.