Desert Car Kings

I have a couple of ?s for them...

1. Why did you wait till after the car was painted to remove the headliner with all of the mouse crap in it ??

2. Why didn't you paint the inside of the doors and also the floor pan instead of just leaving it with a covering up rusty sheetmetal ??

And 19.? 1/4 mile at 75 mph....hell, an old VW bug could beat it.

I've owned a few VW's, & I'll have to say that a STOCK old VW bug couldn't beat the Charger. I didn't record the show so I couldn't back it up to check, but it almost looked like they were putting the new top on over the old one. And I wondered about the headliner deal. Some of that crap could've come blowing out onto the paint (maybe it did?).