disk brakes

It's been done before in many threads but I'll throw my $.02 worth in again. If you want to keep the existing 4" bolt pattern wheels, use the factory discs for that year (or '67-72 A-body). That's what I have on my '66 Barracudas. If you plan on changing to the 4 1/2" bolt pattern, the '73-6 A-body or '73-4 E-body brakes fit the best for factory Chrysler parts. You'll need the '73-6 A-body upper control arms for this changeover. Wear parts and hydrolics are available at your local auto parts store for the most part or online for sure. Both systems need at least 14" disc brake type wheels. There are tons of aftermarket brakes from cheap to ridiculous. Some use your existing spindles and off the shelf parts......others have all new parts made only by that company. If you go that route, I'd recommend the off the shelf parts system. You never know the future of some of these specialtiy companies. If they go belly up, where are you going to get replacement parts? Now if you're racing....road racing, slalom, Pike's Peak, circle track, etc, go with Airheart, Mark Williams, Brembo, SSBC, and the like but keep a fire extinguisher handy for your wallet! Let the arguements begin! :boxing: