roll cages

Just a quick opinion....I have installed a fullcage in my Duster, with the same intentions. However 4 years later, the car was on the back burner and now I am questioning the whole cage in my Duster concept. It is a pain in the backside to get in and out of, and might be overkill. If I didnt have so much in it, and some really good friends sweat and blood tied up in it, I would cut it out. It is there and it will stay. Now onwards. I bought a kit from a shop in Antioch, Alstons, at one time it was a franchisee of Chris Alstons from out west. The kit sucked!!!! We used very little of it, we had to tweak the main hoop significantly, and the rest we scrapped and had local steel shops bend for us, off our measurements. If you dont mind traveling a little....Izzy's cages down in the St. Louis area is absolutely top notch, and would have been cheaper than what I have. Now on the upside.....I did the xv motorsports bracing between the cowl, and shock mounts, the front core support tube tying in the front frame rails, and subframe connectors on top of my full cage. I can place a floor jack to the inside of any wheel on a (think just inside the rockers area) and lift 3 wheels off the ground. It comes up no twisting, no tweaking, just solid as heck, 3 tires in the air!!!!! Good luck!