Antenna mast fix

It used to be pretty common to get your antenna broke off if you went to a high school sporting event at a rival town. A couple of common fixes were:

If there was a part of the mast still sticking up they made a replacement mast which often had a spring base. You would cut the old mast down to just over an inch and use the allen screws to fasten the new mast. Those can still be found.

The second method, if the mast was broken off right at the base, was to insert a roll pin that fit snugly inside the old antenna tube and then get just the mast, that is the same diameter,from a wrecking yard. cut the replacement nice and square and push or drive it over the roll pin. There was often a plastic bushing right at the base and you cut that off when cutting the remnant of the old mast. That way the seam was where the bushing was and you could form a new bushing with black epoxy and no one ever knew that the mast had been broken.