70$ voltage regulator vs 20$ one, is it worth it?

Looks to me like Dan is AFU

Nope. VR-32 is an original-style (points type) standard-duty regulator. VR-34 is a heavy-duty original-style regulator. VR-35, now discontinued, was same as VR-34 except with external adjustment screw. VR-1001 is a fully-potted heavy-duty electronic regulator. All of these will operate the '60-'69 alternator, it's a question of how good and what kind of regulator you want.

(If you want more "incorrect" numbers, Standard #VR101 is original style standard-duty regulator same as Echlin VR-32, VR106 is heavy-duty original-style same as Echlin VR-34, and VR128 is heavy-duty fully potted electronic same as Echlin VR-1001. VR101X, now discontinued, was fancy version of standard-duty points type regulator, with finned aluminum cover and replaceable blade-type fuse -- no Echlin equivalent.)