Pulling my hair out!!!

The car is runnig at idle!! To my dismay, I went to the box that the carb came in. I went through all of the goodies packaged with the carb when I got it and did not notice a very important item. After you guys recomending vacuum leak, I starting looking for proper plumbing and such. I niticed that the carb was shipped with the PCV connection at the front, but did not notice the extra port for PCV on the back of the carb. More inportantly, I did not notice the plug for said port in the box, WHAT A DUMB A>>>. After installation of the plug and removal of the "Massive" vacuum leak, the engine idles fine. NOW if I can only figure out why the darn thing want to over charge so bad.

I have changed voltage regulator and even installed a second alternator. It seemed to be fixed when I changed the alternator, but then the problem came back. Do you think I fried the second alterbator. If I pull the field wires from the alternator, the charging stops. I am worried I am going to fry the ampmeter circuit again. Any thoughts?