Pulling my hair out!!!

Well toadya we got the car moved under its own power. I still is a bit rough on the ears, with open headers and all. I hope to get the exhaust system installed on Thurs.

ANy way, to respond to a few questions. The Rally Wheels came from a guy in San Jose California. I found him on e-bay and he seemed to have the best prices on new repro wheels. I think I paid $600 for the wheel, Hub, Rings and lug nuts with locks.

For those interested, I am currently employed with Cessna Citation. I work on the infamous Corporate jets that Detroit gave such a bad name to. It pays the bills and is fun work. I am ex Air Force and have worked KC-135, B-52, T-43, F-4, and T-37 aircraft. Now days I prefer the smaller jets, eairer to work on and not nearly as complex.

I hope to get the car detailed Friday and take the completed resto pictures this week end. Once I get the pics, I will work on a little story for those interested in what I have learned, liked and disliked. Thanks for the interest.