quarter panel replace ment

i probably shouldn t but.....i m gonna anyway. i m that guy who throws gas on a fire. lol
here s the deal. there s nothing wrong with butt welding OR FLANGING. it just depends on who you ask. there are many techniques for doing different things and they all have their place. i don t know why everyone acts like the flange being in the trunk is this HUGE ugly secret that you can t hide.? i don t care if you are RON COVELL...chances are....that either way you do it( butt or flange type weld) you are gonna have to put filler over your repair. whats wrong with a skim coat of duraglass over the small flange in the trunk????? not hard to do. and if you ask me...i d rather have the flange (with some extra strength behind it) than a butt-welded seam and a ground down (thinner-weaker) area on the side of my car. just me i guess.
ON THE OTHER HAND.. there s times i would butt-weld something. like my inner fenders. somebody hacked it up, blah, blah, fenderwell headers, bla blah. but the car came with nice patch panels( half the inner fender) so i used em. i cut right down the contoured part of it ( where the strength was) and butt-welded them in, b/c i knew how much rigidity was already there, plus it s kinda rough to flange a bunch of compound curves like that. i left much of the weld inside the wheel well cause i knew it would be easily covered with undercoat. they turned out awesome.
my point is that there s a time for everything, but i know it takes more skill and patience to butt-weld than flange, and not everyone has it. and some extra strength never hurt. and i know there are some guys out there who want to do their own repairs, but might not be able to pull it off, get pissed and break something or someone. there s nothing wrong with that.. i ve been there.
good luck to everyone out there who has the nuts to try their own resto work. save yourself some money, and learn something new. thats where the fun is in restorations. other than the drive i guess. lol