Bad expierience with Summit Racing!!!!

What promo did you use at advance and how?

go to and type in advance auto parts in the search.

it will pop up a list of promo codes.

some for $50.00 off $150.00 purchase, some for $50.00 off $200 ,some for $30 off $85 ,some for $10 off $25.

some for 5% off, some for 10% off,some for 15% off and some for 20% off.

I used the 20% off.

to use it you have to go to ,find the part you want....add it to your cart and then on the bottom of the screen there is a box where you type the promo code.

then you can choose to have it shipped to your house or pick up in store free of charge.

I buy alot of parts using this method