Bad expierience with Summit Racing!!!!

Well it was only the "right" thing for them to do. And yes its hard to find big companies that will do something for the little guy. Which is a problem..... small companies are more apt to make things right because they more so rely on the people. Where as one misshap to a big company is a drop in the bucket.

You can say it's a drop in the bucket, but here you are writing on the forum about it and 335 people (as of my post) have looked at this. Who knows how many will see this in the next week or so.

For my part, I use Summit and have had nothing but good experience with their support and service people.

As for the rude dude, you can bring it to the attention of the customer service supervisor. It involves a snail mail letter identifying the date, time, synopsis of the situation. blah! blah! blah! ...This guy is a black spot on your otherwise sterling reputation...(you get the idea).
Address the letter: Summit Racing; ATTN: Customer Service Supervisor; PO Box ***, Lower Podunk, Ohio [ZIP]

The rude dude works in a call center. By providing your customer number to the supervisor, he can look up your contacts by date and time and see who recorded your contact on the date specified (if they have decent customer contact tracking). Armed with that information, he can address the individual in question. It's not as rewarding as a public flogging, but it is better than letting this clown continue to suffer from delusions of adequate job performance.