
TO : "This is to go to _____________ ."
TOO : " There are too many people here ."
TWO : " I get two of these Underoo's ?!? "

THERE : " It's over there ."
THEIR : " It's their home ."
THEY'RE : " They're going to see 'Flash Gordon' . "

it's unbelievable how many people cannot get this right. To and too. Where were you in 4th grade when they taught that???

Then there's the first old standby...typing peddle instead of pedal. Peddle is to stand out on the curb and try to sell junk.

Then the second old standby..bumber. What???? Bumper. One b, one p.

My last aggravation is a paragraph that is one big long sentence that never ends has no punctuation no capitalization goes on and on and makes the person writing it look like they've just smoked a big rock of crack then peeled themselves off the ceiling then had someone tie them to a chair so they could sit still long enough to compose this huge sentence!!

Please...if you are going to write things that you want other people to read, have mercy on them and try hard to make it easy to read.


And I need to add this one....

Could've is a contraction of the two words could and have. Could of is NOT correct.