No Marcus: Sat. night cruise ideas?

Ive spoken with Walter from MIM and they would like to do something in the Danbury area but they have something for once a month all ready.

Just reminded me of a question I had-off topic from Marcus and cruise nights. I used to sorta belong to the "tri-state" Mopar club (NY-CT-Mass) they put on a nice show just north of the CT border at Bogeys in Great Barrington. Then they added a second all makes/models show. Did they merge with MIM? Their website not updated since last summer.

Back to Sat. night cruise nights, I think I have a nice idea for a spot that is maybee 10 min. from the old Marcus. The Friendlys Restaurant in southern New Milford off Rte 7 (next to the huge Staples plaza) I'm not sure how they would feel about it, or what they could even do if musclecars and hotrods just started to patronize the establishment. Bet they wouldnt mind the extra business with the economy the way its been.