Chrome Paint

I saw an ad for Spectra Chrome in one of my powder industry magazines a couple years ago and requested the DVD. Just the basic start up kit was over $12,000. It didn't intrigue or impress me enough to check into further so I don't know if the price has gone up or down in the meantime. It kind of struck me like Eastwood's "own your own powder coating business" stuff -- that anybody can do it and retire rich on a beach in Jamaica in a couple weeks. Haaaaa!

I've only heard rumors about Spectra Chrome but never saw it for myself. I'd love to know what those who have think about it.

Hello, I looked into it a little today for my shop. The basic setup is about 3000.00 and goes up to about 8000.000 for a really nice setup. It looks like there based out of Clearwater, FL(2 hrs for me) so I may take a ride over if I decide to buy a setup. Most likely there basic setup because it will be for my own personal shop and restoration projects. Christopher