Torker vs. Streetmaster

Good info Rumblefish I appreciate it.

1wild&crazyguy the question is whether its 80-100 dollars better...which i'm begging to maybe think that Rumblefish may have a point of both being bad enough that waiting is a better option than slightly upgrading.

The main concern I was having is how much is the street"disaster" is neutering my motor. I had read in several different places that the small intake runners and design of the Streetmaster was even worse than the stock manifold as far as performance goes.

My mystery motor definitely has a mild to med. cam in it, was bought from Mopar's Unlimited Tacoma Pres, (or past pres. not sure I never had the pleasure of meeting him) and that the motor was built by a reputable knowledgeable mopar performance enthusiast. The intake looks like an after thought to sell the car.

The more I think about it maybe I should track down the previous owner again...