Confused, anyone know what this number could be?

I live in GA and purchased a 69 dart from a fabo member in Kansas almost two years ago and the vin number on the title did not match the car and was unlike any vin number I have ever seen..long story short the car was legit and checked out fine. I had the police inspect the vehicle and dash vin and everything was correct. Car is registered and if I ever sell, the new buyer just needs a bill of sale and current registration to register it in his/her state..I still have the title with this number on it: 123P8B141697

Kansas DMV said that with older cars they sometimes use the cast number on the block as the VIN on the title..but, this is not a block number either...I do not need the old title but very curious if this was a DMV mistake or a real number. DMV said it could be their mistake but a painful pointless process for me to have it corrected..the previous owner also gave me a ton of paperwork including old registration with this 123 number on the papers....any ideas??