Im stumped, It's missing and ticking.

Crank it up at night time to see if you see any sparks jumping! also while running pull sparkplug wires off one at a time to see if the sound of the engine changes or starts missing on that cylinder you pull the wire off of! If you run across a cylinder that does not change the sound of the engine or cause the engine to miss even more,use a replacememt plug! and a Wire! and see if that solves the problem.If it doesent check the distributor cap on that wire,maybe even switch caps to see if it helps! If none of that changes I would say do a compression check on all cylinders and pay special attention to the one that does not change the sound of the engine when running! could be a valve not sealing off all the way and a compression test will tell you for sure. I would do all this before tearing the front of the engine down! You may also want to drop in another distributor just to check that also. If by doing all this and you find nothing then it will be time to start tearing things apart.Also you might want to check for a leak! Get a can of starting fluid and spray it slightly around the base of the carb! around the intake gaskets! A Can of WD40 works also but I like the starting fluid! Also do you have stock exhaust manifolds ,if so pull the heat riser open and wire it open temoporarily! that could be the ticking you hear possibly. Hope by doing some of this you find the problem and it is a really easy fix. Keep us informed on your progress.
