Help me pick a beer

73DartSport340 said
The MINIMUM beer I consider worth drinking is Sam Adams.

Samuel Adams is great beer. I have a German heritage (my grandfather was an immigrant) and will tell you that Samuel Adams' beers are very close to German beers as far as body and flavor. Actually Samuel Adams beers' are more consistant in flavor than alot of German or Europian brews. You can get a different slightly different flavor from batch to batch from over the "pond". You guys can say what you want and the taste might not actually be to your liking but North American brewers (United States, Canada, Mexica) have for the amount of beer they brew a very consistant flavor that is second to know one in the world. Flavor after all is flavor and some people have different tastes. If we didn't we would all be driving the same car and drinking the same beer.
