Legendary Interior problems

I don't remember seeing any tags. That was 8 years ago so it is possible. Would that be the time frame for the Kentucky Co.?

It's possible. I bought covers from Year One as recently as 2009 and they were from the Kentucky company. I believe Year One (like many companies), will simply go with the supplier that offers them the lowest price. Evidently, Legendary didn't give YO a good bid on upholstery so YO started sourcing from the Kentucky company. It's wise to buy all of your interior pieces at once if you can, but this could be a problem if you only need one seat recovered. On the manufacturer's side, companies like Legendary will source their material from wherever they can find it. Although materials may be described as the same, they may vary in detail if they are sourced from two different makers. When it comes to stitching something wrong, well that's just human error and happens everywhere. That's a quality control issue that should be taken care of before the product leaves the factory.