Went through receipts today

FASTBACK340 said
And it's aways meant to entertain, NOT offend. It's hard to tell a persons tone and intentions via the printed word. Pretty much the way I can't really tell how you interpeted what I posted. Hopefully, everyone "got it" and no one was upset.

That's the problem with getting comfortable with a situation. Sometimes there's people involved whom don't post often and you forget they might not be entertained. Sorry if I was "too over the top..."

No offense taken, I really love that you always have a unique and interesting way to say things, like your post several months back about trying to buy brake parts. Most of us would have just vented about crappy service from parts companies, but you entertain us while you vent.

If I was even vaguely offended by "guy talk", I wouldn't be on this forum. I love the dirty jokes, the off-color comments, and even the non-car-related pictures some of you all post. (I just wish I looked more like them.)

You keep writing, I'll keep reading, and occasionally I'll may some smart-*** comments, but I'll try not to sound offended when I do. As you said, it's hard to interpret what's written, so maybe I should have worded it differently.

By the way, you have a long way to go before you're "too over the top" in my world. Some of my friends have set the bar much higher than this...