Teenagers / Classic Cars ??

Personally I'd go with a /6 Duster, they get good gas mileage, the motors are just about indestructible. They're like the energizer bunny, they just keep going and going......
Dusters are also easy to find parts for cheap if a fender bender happens, plus you can really make them look cool with all the different options like 70 stripes, 71 stripes, hood strobe stripe, blacked out hood, dual hood scoops, or the later snorkel type, shark tooth grill, Go-wing, rallye wheels, or some old school rims like cragars etc.
The truck on the other hand would have a 360 correct? gas mileage is going to suffer compared to the /6. My teenage daughter also wanted a truck, but after explaining to her on paper the difference $ wise in gas mileage between a heavy truck with a V8 and a smaller, lighter car with a 6 and how she would be paying for the gas, she realized it would really cut into her spending cash LOL
Also what about A/C? I don't know too many teenage girls that can deal with driving a car or truck without A/C in hot climates. So that's something to think about.
Safety wise, I'd kinda trust the older cars with my kids over some of the newer economy cars most kids drive today. Just make sure whatever she drives has shoulder belts that she uses, not just a lap belt.
My son T boned a Honda with his Demon, the Honda folded up like a tin can, totaling the car, while the Demon bent one bumper bracket, twisted the bumper a little, messed up one fender, rolled the corner of the hood(fixable) and broke one head light and headlight trim. And that was it! One swap meet and $100.00 later I had a perfect fender and bumper bracket, I was able to twist the bumper back into place (not perfect but good enough to get it all bolted up and not be real noticeable)
As far a reliability goes, it's much easier and cheaper to fix an old car than a new car.
Hell I just spent $300.00 bucks on a damn meter to diagnose the check engine warning lights that just popped up on two of our new cars....stupid sensors!!!!!