360 rings. gapless?

I installed gapless rings on my 340 and the set I used had the top ring gapped and the second ring was gapless. The gapless ring was a thinner ring with a shoulder on the inside and a second ring that looked like a oil ring that fit around it. The most important thing is to make sure the top ring has the correct gap per Keith Black web site tech info. Thats were most of the heat is at. Bore x .0065= gap size for the top ring, with a street engine and a carb. Nitrous and forced induction require bigger gaps. No wider gapping of the second ring is required.
If you use gapples rings you have to close down the pcv hose to around a 1/16 of an inch. As you will have almost no blowby or compression loss and the pcv will suck the oil out of the valve cover. Plus your oil will stay cleaner a lot longer.
Is it worth it, thats a toss up. I thought it was but everyone has a different opinion. Bob