Teenagers / Classic Cars ??
Lots of civilized discussion here .. Read some very good points. This is something I am giving lots of consideration into.. I just don't know if I could put her in anything old for a daily driver. I agree newer cars do get destroyed in " minor" crashes but I truely believe they are designed that way to absorb the energy.. Heck I'm always extremely cautious and nervous anytime we are in my Duster because I know any wreck is going to hurt bad. I'm giving lots of thought into a 94 -01 or so Dodge Reg. cab short bed truck. Preferably 4x4.. These seem pretty affordable , pretty safe ( like the idea of limited passengers ), good looking ( IMO) , and she can do lots of mods to it if shes willing to spend the money.. I still have a while before I have to buy any thing but the search has begun... Thanks for everyone's input..
P.S. I will also be installing a device that I have seen lately that prevents the cell phone from being used any time the engine is running...It was $100 and I believe it should be mandatory in all teenagers vehicles .. Probably most adults also.