Ask and you shall recieve! (Flip Top Gas cap Adapter)

I hope to have a prototype built in the next few weeks. Its a product offered by others but I think I have "built a better mouse trap". The product is a "strut" of sorts. It will tie the shock towers to the firewall. This will strengthen the frontend of our unibody engine compartment.

Its going to be made all of sheet metal (11ga. most likely) that will come laser cut but not bent. The user will be able to hand bend the sheetmetal to form the parts then weld the seems, then weld the new member into the car.

Again others are doing something similar, but its not manufactured very efficiently, and because of this I can offer it at a much lower price.

Ill be taking all the measurements from my car in the next day or so, and will refine my concept I already have. I should be able to make a prototype in the next week or two.

Once I have a solid part.........Ill be sure to offer it up to you guys at FABO!!!!