Son of a BI*CH!!!!! I'd Swear Mother Nature Has It Out For Me ........

Thanks ya'll. I appreciate the shoulders more than you know. The insurance agent has been notified and should be here to check it out if his secretary can be believed ... he's no doubt got his hands full right now.

Billy's parents came over earlier to advise that 15 minutes after we left this morning about 1:45 (they didn't answer the phone so we went to check on them), they had a tree hit their house too. Just got back from getting a few pics for their agent.

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I appreciate all of you and wish I could concentrate on individual responses right now, but Kosmic, you hit the nail on the head. I DO know better -- I just didn't have time. One minute I was looking at the oven temp and the next thing I knew stuff was hitting the roof, and then 30 seconds later it seemed it was hailing and blowing big time and then WHAMMMMMMM there was the tree. I didn't even hear the sirens go off. Whether it was straight line winds or another friggin tornado like Katrina I don't know, but ......

Okay, the insurance guy's here. More later as I can. Thanks for being there for me guys. << hugs >>