At what point a frontrunners Waranted?

Thanks guys.
I'm looking at a cheap set of used ones, (everything I do revolves around being cheap) and wondered if they'd be worthwhile or not.
I was talking to a guy at work today with a low 11 second ford (boo hiss!) and he reckoned front runners were skinny front wheels that were slick. I had thought the term "front runner" just refered to skinny front drag tyres.
These are the tyres I'm looking at
I scored a cheap pair of brand new drag slicks a while ago, and thought these might go good with them.
I scored a rough old rolling body for free last year, and I've been slowly piecing together a 318 I scored for free to go in it. (engine should cost <$1000 all told) I'm also planning to bottle feed it too.
I supose if drag fronts are worth a tenth, then they're worth it at that price.