Just wondering..

You did it right in this thread, Waggin called you on it and you did it again minutes later. No one wants to ban anyone here.

Im glad the site helps you get through the day, we all have our issues and Im sure the site helps many. DO NOT PUT YOUR ISSUES IN MY LAP. Im am in no way responsible for your life or well being just because Im tryng to do my job.

Just because you help someone out doesnt give you the right to give somebody ****. Its doesnt matter if you had a few beers, If your just joking, If you offered to help someone out with parts that they didnt take for what ever reason. Rules are rules, Follow them or be seen the door.
Man; what's up with you guys lately?Too much stress-not enough wool?Good Grief-you staff guys seem to want to pull the trigger lately.Hey Wild-thats just the nature of the beast-not just you.If I did you wrong,just tell me-I'll man up.Anyway have a nice day guys-or gays,I dont want to exclude anybody.