Just wondering..

Whats up with us ? Theres 20000 members and about 5 of us trying to keep everyones bickering and senseless arguing under control. You guys miss 3/4 of the crap we deal with, emails, PMs, reported posts, threats. And we all do this for free in our spare time.

And if you missed it, the first thing I said was no one wants to ban anyone. But if we let one guy get away with stirring the pot of poking fun at someone or calling names, we need to let everyone getaway with it and then this place becomes a mess.

Im extremely proud of what this site has become over the last 7 years but the bigger it gets the harder it is to please everyone. It use to be a anything goes place but everyone had respect for each other. Now it seems every comment turns in to a pissing match and someone is always sending me PMs demanding I ban the other guy for hurting his feelings.

All I ask is that everyone respects everyone else and that you think before you speak.