Just wondering..

I was wondering ...I help a sht load of people with their stuff and get thanks for it which is cool and more than sometimes expect, but what I wanna know is...why the hell is it that when I need a part or something hardly nobody chimes in to offer up a sale to me or help with a part except those who live near like MAD DART,CRACKEDBACK,3408BRL,64PHYSY...basically the few locals around me....

I have even seen people offer to sell items to others who recently have asked about'em, but they bail out of the deal and I show interest...it's no response...or 'I need'd to sell them yesterday'...meanwhile I find them up for sale 3 weeks later when supposedly they could not wait 1-2days on me.

should I just give up and quit bothering with the general public anymore??

I mean hell....I've drove hours to help members here, members who have then promised me some return for my gas/time/work....then have them renig'd what they told me they would pay/trade/do for me in parts er/ whatever...you get the pic...even if was just a notion, it seems taken back in the end...:angry4:

The other day I was 1st in line in a thread for a wieand tunnel ram, the pos never even PM'd me back...:thumbdow:

Sometimes I feel like my ignore list could be 100 people long at the end of the day.

I have good days and bad days I know, so maybe I'm taking this for more than it is...but either way im'a little irritated and a lot less willing to go the extra for people.:?

but who cares, right...

Um, I got lost, did you say T-ram?