Help with dampener ID

I think you may be right about it not being a 360 damper, I noticed yours does not seem to have a register for the pulley at all. Here is what I have;

First 3 pics of the 360 damper, then the difference between the the two pulleys one off a 360 and the dirty one off the 318. The height seens to be a little bit different too! Funny thing is the taller is the 360...:dontknow: doesnt make sence as the damper is thicker. The next couple show the bolt pattern and register size are the same. the last two pics show the fan pulleys which are pretty much identical again the dirty one id the 318.

So, I hope this helps. But it does make me wonder if i'm going to have issues with this in the future as well. well I'll keep all the parts and make em fit later! hahahahaha