traction bars! yay or NEY

That '67 Camaro was an SS 350, 4-Speed..Those are Glasspacks sticking out in front of the rear tires..:happy7:

My 8-track played ONLY Deep Purple's "Machine-Head"...:toothy7:

Before the 67 Camaro, I had a 1965 Mustang Fastback....(289, 4-speed)

Payed $750.00 for that Mustang back in early 1973 < BIG Sigh... >

My 1992 Camaro convertible (which I bought new) is a 25th Year anniversary model. It came original with leather seats and matching color Rag-top...

It now has a little over 300K Miles on the odo...It's been a great car.

That camaro still looks great, that '65 stang would be worth some cash right now 2+2's are hard to find, so is the camaro...