Towing with full floater

find a neighborhood kid to crawl under the damn thing......

I came home one day about 15 years ago and ask my wife were the boy's are
She said they was at a friends house helping put itchalation up under there house :tongue9: They was about 12 and 14 years old at the time.
I drove over to the house they was at and ask them to crawl out here for a minute....... Long story short :cwm21: I told Jim off and said if they get any bad bites he will be seeing a Dr bill... and said :cwm21:do not!! NEVER ask my kids to do something he would not do and put my two boys in harms way, no masks and when they crawled out they had fleas and spider all over them.

We never herd from that family again, He did not like my way I told him off :protest: and that he should have ask me and let us know what he had my sons doing..
My sons learned a big lesson that day.

Dang!! Dad got all up in the guys face :shock::shock:
They understand now that they have there own children , and see why I was mad at this POS that took advantage of my sons good abilities for $4 dollars an hour :cwm21: