Getting Transmission Rebuilt

I would remove and install it myself if I was you.

I have a 904/318 combo in my 72 duster and myself and my father removed the tranny in under 15 minutes. mind you this was on a garage floor laying on our backs with the duster suspended by jack stands.......If I had a hoist I would not second guess doing the removal/install myself!!!

get a buddy to come over and share a 6 pack with you, pick up a tranny stand,raise that puppy in the air,spend a few minutes unhooking lines and driveshaft and zapping bell bolts, spin the crank over a few times to undo the converter bolts and pop it out of there.

its realy not that tough to do.

then farm the rebuild work out to a good tranny guy who is familiar with mopars and shop around for one that does good work at a good price.

for example there is a guy here in my town who is known for building the baddest of the baddest chevy transmissions but he is also known for building a few junk mopar trannys because he is not use to building them.

good luck either way.

a 2500 stall is a good stall if you planning on building a mild build......maybe around 300-350 hp with a mild cam thats not to lumpy. things like tire size,rear gearing and what not come into play also but from what it sounds like I think a 2500 would probably suit you well.