SPRINGS on 65 barracuda

Hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but '65 Barracudas didn't have coil springs, they used torsion bars. Now for the good news, any A body torsion bar will work and they are available in many sizes to tailor your ride. They run the gamut from what you have to so stiff that if you run over a dime in the road you can tell if it's heads or tails. Firmfeel, Just Suspension, PST, and Mancini Racing are just a few leads to find what you want in the way of shocks, steering boxes, bushings, torsion bars, and suspension bits to make the old fish ride and handle just the way you want it to. Give some thought to a brake upgrade as well, the old drums are not the best in the world and parts are getting scarce. BTW, welcome to the forum, these guys can set you up.