chevelle vs evo

I just went to a show on Sat with alot of the tuners and drifters etc.

Talked to alot of the guys about their cars, met some cool dudes really into the drifting sport.

Alot of the cars were 4 cyllinder turbos and enviro friendly, I would not call them by any means.
I doubt if most of them could pass emissions as the exhaust smell was much worse than most muscle cars.
I heard a 4 cyllinder idling like it had a radical, lumpy cam, sounded pretty good actually.

Just a bunch of young kids having a **** load of fun and I could appreciate their enthusiasm because that drifting takes some pretty good driving skills and you could see that alot of work, time and money goes into their cars just like we put into ours.

Saw some high dollar rides and saw some low buck beaters with good drivers behind the wheel.

Saw some hilarious fails, but all in all was fun to see a bunch of kids from every background you could think of all enjoying the sport....not to mention a boat load of honeys in the crowd.