Depressing Dyno results. Need advise

Sounds like you have a multitude of problems none of them sever but they do need addressing. Fuel yes, Cam for sure needs addressing you can buy a nice Mp cam that will make all the power you want off the shelf for your setup, but most of all change those valve springs, if they are not the problem now they will be later when one breaks and dumps a valve, buy them new don't take a chance. Also make sure you have pleanty of spark for that motor, there are many different options for this as mentioned above. But before you just start changing things go back to basics set Timing with a light, check vacume with a guage, make sure carb is opening all the way, make sure you have a good plug reading nice and brown, if these things all check out then go on to the others.
Good luck i'm sure you will get it sorted out, tuning takes time and patience. My gut feeling is your cam is not correct for your setup.