My Bad luck has gotten worse.

Thank You John. How is your mother in law doing? It's a good thing I don't live near you I would be drooling over some of the cars you are picking up.

Hanging in there I guess. She is on my prayer list too.
Ahh, most of the cars I get are junk LOL!!!
Bout the time I get to fix and drive one, I have to sell it for the next house payment!!
Good news for me though, the hospital, ambulance co., and radiology co. all wrote off my bills from the last 2 visits. Somebody must have really liked something I had done for someone lately to forgive me of 15K in bills that I didn't have enough $ to pay anyway LOL!!!

I really hope things go alot better for you. It is pretty cool to have the wifi and FABO there with you.

Keep us posted and pos karma just "clicked" your way too!!