Frosty and THEVC

Hey guys, long time lurker, first time poster here.

I'm Frosty, I'm 24 from Australia and relatively new to the mopar game but I have a 1967 VC Valiant which has been dubbed "THEVC" has been the hole in my pocket for about 3 years now haha.

In that time I've done a bit of a resto trying to keep it all period correct including a full respray, retrimmed interior and a 2bbl 318 fireball engine.

The thing i love most about mopars is the community, I feel like i've been taken under the wings of some very knowledgeable mopar guys over the last few years in a way that just doesn't seem to happen with other marques.

future plans include a bit of a power upgrade and I'm very keen on importing a stroker while the economy is working in my favour.

anwyay, here are some pics of my beast of burden with my lovely sister kerrie. lol!