Incandescent to LED rear lights

I hate to throw a wet blanket, but this what you have done is not a safety upgrade at all -- it's a downgrade.

I see that you are, and have been for some time a lighting aficionado.
That's cool, and I respect it.
But,,, I dont want ambers on the rear (personal thing I guess) even though yours do look very nice and I could see how some might like them better.
Both times I got rearended I was sitting with my foot on the brakes.
My main point here was just to show anyone interested how it can be done cheaply with an angled socket and not hurt the original equip.
The results were very likable for the 14 bucks and an hour of time.
MUCH brighter from straight behind, and the lens disperses the light to the sides but not as much as incandescants. (you are right about that)